Ireland's Annual Business Survey 2023

How was your business year?
How will you steer the business in 2023?
Survey Takes 4 Minutes (multiple choice) & Get Complete Results To Your Inbox

It Takes
4 Min
To Complete
2022 Survey Insights


Rising Prices And Getting Back To Normal

Ireland got back on track after Covid-19. For many of us, the new-normal turned out to be the old-normal. Remote and hybrid working normalized. We returned to in-person events and shopping, and online shopping stayed. Then, faced with inflation giving increases everywhere, fuel costs went through the roof, and many more problems loomed for businesses across the country.

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What Do You Think?

Challenges ahead no doubt and new opportunities on the horizon, how will you steer your business in the year ahead. Tell us what you think and get the results to your inbox when the survey is complete.

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2023 Survey Insights

A Business:
Just Answered 19 Questions 0 Days Ago   Annual Biz Survey